Dr. V.K.Maheshwari, M.A(Sociology, Philosophy) B.Sc. M. Ed, Ph. D

Former Principal, K.L.D.A.V.(P.G) College, Roorkee,

Scriptures of all kinds state ‘Thou shalt not worship graven images.’ But to have a picture or an image of some sacred, revered figure , is not necessarily to worship a graven image. The image reminds one of that which one can become provided one tries hard enough.

Similarly, a sacred picture or a sacred image to which one is attached can act as a very sound point of focus when one engages in meditation or contemplation. That is why some people have a personal Shrine at home with perhaps a photograph or an image or some  picture — it acts as a soothing influence which puts one into the right frame of mind

One can train one’s mind to think of the sacred object to the   exclusion of more mundane articles Sacred pictures or sacred images are acceptable and permissible provided they are used as reminders and not as objects of senseless worship.


Angel is a term popularly used to refer to a wide variety of beings, from dead humans now residing in the afterlife to God’s messengers, heralds and helpers in sustaining the universe.  An angel is part of a class of beings whose function is to foster, nurture and protect life and consciousness within the world. They are the gardeners of the interior life within all things. They assist us in remembering our oneness with the Sacred. They empower and nourish the evolution of spirit. Wherever consciousness is, there are angels.

There are many species of angels, including those who work exclusively with humanity. Among these are angels of nations, angels who overflight cities and towns, and angels who overflight organizations

Wherever consciousness is, there are angels.

In addition there are angels who assist activities, such as angels of healing, angels of protection, angels of sound and colour , and angels who overflight artistic endeavors. The latter are the beings known in classical times as the “muses”.


Closely related to angels are devas. Indeed they may well be part of the same overall class of being but in this case focusing upon the non-human side of evolution and in particular upon the structural and formative energies and activities that help form the planet and which manifest as the laws of nature.

The devas and angels are very similar in appearance; deva, after all simply means “shining one” in Sanskrit, and this description could very easily apply to angels. They may be the same being, but with the “deva” being the non-human aspect and the “angel” being the side of their nature that engages with humanity. One being may fulfill a variety of functions.

However, on the whole a different energy signature or vibration from devas than I do from angels. The devas seem to me particularly aligned with the flow and circulation of life and vital energies, as well as being the architects and artisans of form. They are custodians and overseers of natural energies and forces, such as electricity..

A Deva is a Divine Being, one who is quite beyond the human state. Anyone who has attained to the necessary degree of enlightenment and purity, and is no longer on this Earth, could be a Deva. Nature Spirits and manmade thought for are not, and cannot ever be Devas of the human type, although naturally Nature Spirits and Animal Spirits have their own Group-Devas.

A deva in the metaphysics refers to any of the spiritual forces or beings behind nature., Devas represent a separate evolution to that of humanity.

There are numerous different types of devas with a population in the millions performing different functions on Earth to help the ecology function better. It is asserted they can be observed by those whose third eyes have been activated.

Devas are spirits usually invisible to the untrained human eye.

They are part of the Angelic Kingdom and are in direct service to the world of nature expressing themselves as one of the four elements.

The exist in the etheric world which penetrates out own. They can be seen or felt with our inner senses.

The Jews call them Shedim.

The Egyptians called them Afries.

Africans named them Yowahoos.

Persians called them Devs.

In addition, it is believed that there are millions of devas living inside the Sun, the indwelling solar deity of which Theosophists call the Solar Logos–these devas are called solar angels, or sometimes solar devas or solar spirits. Sometimes, it is believed, they visit Earth and can be observed, like other devas, by humans whose third eyes have been activated.

They are the overlords of the wild places, whereas as angels engage with civilization. That may, indeed, be their primary difference; that alone could account for the difference in feel and energy that I experience between them.


Human beings are part of Nature, a fact we often overlook or forget, and as such, there are nature spirits “assigned” or related to us. Some of these work with our bodies, while others work with the products of our civilization. These are the spirits of our artifacts, the things we create and fashion from the materials we draw from nature. As human beings have advanced in this regard, becoming more and more technologically adept and transforming more and more of the natural world into forms and materials created by humanity, nature spirits have adapted  to keep up. In this way there has evolved a whole new class of “nature spirits” that might be called “techno-spirits.

Humans in their conceit and over-weening sense of superiority think that they alone have a soul. Humans think that only humans continue after life, after death, and into another life. Many of the ancient races worshipped Nature Spirits. They were not so far wrong because there are Nature Spirits, and they are quite as important as human spirits.

A human is a lump of protoplasm which has a soul or Over self which tells that lump of protoplasm how to operate, how to grow. In the same way trees have Nature Spirits, spirit-entities who look after that tree. Animals also have spirits, souls, if you like, and it does not at all follow that because an animal cannot talk English, or Spanish, or German, that the animal is ‘dumb.’ Many animals have characters in no way inferior to the best of humans!

In the astral world there are human entities doing their own particular job of work, and there are Nature Spirits, those who look after plants and the astral of animals. There are also elementals, but elementals we have already dealt with.

For your own evolution, then, remember that there are animal spirits growing and evolving on different lines from humans, admittedly, but in no way inferior to humans. They are distinct and quite separate lines ;humans never reincarnate as animals, animals never reincarnate as humans. They are quite, quite different lines of growth.

The comparison is often made that devas are the architects of nature while the nature spirits are the field workers and construction hands.

It’s an apt comparison, though perhaps a bit too human in its implications. The nature spirits are the transformers of life, taking the raw,intense subtle energies coming from the higher-order worlds and stepping them down into forms that can be appropriated and used by the subtle bodies of physical entities, mainly plants but animals as well. There are even “nature spirits” that attend to human beings, though we often call them “guardian angels”.

Nature spirit is really an umbrella term, a bit like saying animal or plant. It simply denotes a being that works with the spiritual and energetic side of nature. However, just as there are billions of different species of plants and animals on earth, so there are at least as many different kinds of “nature spirits.” In some ways, it’s a meaningless phrase because it’s so broad and all-encompassing.

In a manner of speaking, these kinds of nature spirits are analogous to bees, receiving the higher-order energies, digesting and assimilating them, and then producing from themselves an equivalent energy, like honey, which the plant can absorb within its vital subtle field.

A nature spirit is usually a being that is defined by a particular relationship with some specific form or function within the

natural environment of the earth.

A nature spirit is usually a being that is defined by a particular relationship with some specific form or function within the natural environment of the earth. By necessity, such beings, while their origin and fuller natures may be in the higher-order worlds, take form and work within the transitional realms and the subtle energy fields of the physical worlds. They tie themselves to specific landscapes and to geographical features such as rivers, and to species of plants and animals, and even to the individual plants themselves. The large maple trees in my backyard, for example have one or more nature spirits – in this case, maple tree spirits – associated with them.

In mythology, nature spirits, or deities are composed of etheric matter. Their job is to build and maintain the plant kingdom while working in conjunction with the devas and elementals. They are said to have been here since the beginning of time, have created the landscape of reality, which we return to for different reasons as guided.

The term nature deity typically refers to the concept of gods or goddesses in mythology associated with various perceived “forces of nature”.

They feature commonly in polytheistic religions, and may include characteristics of the mother goddess, Mother Nature or lord of the animals.

Adherents may literally consider such deities to be divine beings that control particular natural phenomena. An objective view understands these to be mythological personifications of particular phenomena, such that attach personal qualities such as character and name to such phenomena, and conversely illustrate conceptual persons (archetypes) as owning particular and powerful traits.

Most nature spirits, then, are incarnated into the earth in ways that many of their subtle counterparts in the higher-order worlds are not. They have a more intimate relationship with matter and form. If I think in a metaphor of circulation and blood flow within a human body, they are part of the transfer mechanism that delivers nutrients from the bloodstream to the individual cells and in turn bring the contributions of the cell back to the blood stream to be part of the larger whole of the body, as well as removing and eliminating waste products. Nature spirits are a vital, intimate, and “hands-on” part of the circulation of light and vital energies through the planetary body of Gaia.


There are three groups of Devas:

1. All elementals working with the etheric doubles of humankind and all elementals working with the etheric bodies of inanimate objects. The “violet devas” (evolve through feeling, education of humankind) are on an evolutionary path.

2. The elementals are on the evolutionary path their goal being to evolve into the deva kingdom with the violet color. . The fairies and elves–build and color the flowers–the elementals who work with the vegetables, fruits, and al the verdure that covers the earth’s surface. Also connected with this group-devas of magnetization that are connected to stones, talismans, and the sacred spots of the earth. There is one last groups of devas in this group that are found around the habitations of the masters who live on the earth.

3. Those in this group work with the elementals of the air and sea, the sylphs, the water fairies, and the devas who guard human beings.


Pan is the God of the nature spirits. He is half man and half goat. The nature spirits are for the most part composed of etheric matter.

Their job is to build the plants. They channel the etheric forces they receive into physically constructing the particular plant patterns they are receiving from the devas. They are like the physical workers who carry out the architectural blueprints. They express great joy and delight in their work. They vary in size from a fraction of an inch to elves who are three to four feet tall.


Findhorn is a spiritual community in Scotland. It was started by Peter and Eileen Caddy, Dorothy Maclean, and Lena Lamount

. Later David Spangler and Ogilvie Crombie  became involved. Each of these people had very special and unique talents— each channel something else. In the Findhorn material, the term refers to archetypal spiritual intelligences behind species, in other words the group soul of a species.

Some New Age sources use the term is used as a generic term to designate any being regarded as being composed of etheric matter—elementals

, nature spirits (including the various types of nature spirits such as fairies, ondines, etc.).

Eileen: Channeled God

Dorothy: the deva kingdom

David: being called Limitless Love and Light

Ogilvie: could see and talk to nature spirits

Peter: represented the human worker aspect of the group. He created the Findhorn garden. At one point he had cut back some of the bushes which upset the elves who told Ogilvie that they were leaving. Everyone was upset. After a ceremony and apology from Peter the elves agreed to stay.



. The basic concept of an elemental refers to the ancient idea of elements as fundamental building blocks of nature. In the system prevailing in the Classical world,

there were four elements: fire, earth, air, and water.

This paradigm was highly influential in Medieval natural philosophy, and Paracelsus evidently intended to draw a range of mythological Beingin to this paradigm by identifying

An elemental is a mythological being first appearing in the alchemical works of Paracelsus in the 16th century. Traditionally, there are four types:

Gnomes, earth elementals

Undines, water elementals

Sylphs, air elementals – clouds

Salamanders, fire elementals

The exact term for each type varies somewhat from source to source, though these four are now the most usual. Most of these beings are found in folklore as well as alchemy; their names are often used interchangeably with similar beings from folklore. The sylph, however, is rarely encountered outside of alchemical contexts and fan media.them as belonging to one of these four elemental types

There are four basic elements of nature:





Within each of the four elements are nature spirits that are the spiritual essence of that element. They are made up of etheric substance that is unique and specific to their particular element. They are living entities  oftentimes resembling humans in shape but inhabiting a world of their own.

The beings in the Elemental Kingdom work primarily on the mental plane and are known as “builders of form.” Their specialty is translating thought-forms into physical forms by transforming mental patterns into etheric and then physical patterns. Each of them is a specialist in creating some specific form whether it be an electron or interstellar space.

Elementals range in size from smaller than an electron to vaster than galactic space. Like the angels, elemental beings begin their evolution small in size and increase their size as they evolve. The elementals serving on planet Earth materialize whatever they pick up from the thoughts and feelings of mankind. This relationship was intended to facilitate the remanifestation of “heaven on Earth.”

They take their orders from the devas.

They do not remain individualized as humans are. These beings are animated by the thought power of the lower angels and so are thought forms of sorts.

They may be etheric thoughts forms, yet they have etheric flesh, blood, and bones. They live, propagate off spring, eat, talk, act, and sleep.

They cannot be destroyed be frosser material elements such as fire, air, earth, and water because they are etheric in nature. they are not immortal. When their work is finished they are absorbed back into the ocean of spirit. They do live a very long time–300 to 1,000 years.

They have the power to change their size and appearance almost at will. They cannot, however, change elements.


The nature spirits of the Earth are called Gnomes





Earth Spirits








The salamanders are the spirit of fire. Without these beings, fire cannot exist. You cannot light a match without a salamander’s being present.

There are many families of salamanders, differing in size, appearance, and dignity. Some people have seen them as small balls of light, but most commonly they are perceived as being lizard-like in shape and about a foot or more in length.

The salamanders are considered the strongest and most powerful of all the elementals. Their ruler is a magnificent flaming being called Djin.

Those who have seen him say that he is terrible, yet awe-inspiring in appearance.

Salamanders have the ability to extend their size or diminish it, as needed. If you ever need to light a campfire in the wilderness, call to the salamanders and they will help you.

It has also been said that salamanders (and the other elemental beings) can be mischievous at times. For example, a fiery temper and inharmonious conditions in a person’s home can cause these beings to make trouble. They are like children in that they don’t fully understand the results of their actions. They are greatly affected, as are all nature spirits, by human humankind’s thinking.


The sylphs are the air spirits. Their element has the highest vibratory rate of the four (beside earth, fire, water). They live hundreds of years, often reaching one thousand and never seeming to get old. They are said to live on the tops of mountains. The leader of the sylphs is a being called Paralda who is said to dwell on the highest mountain of Earth.

Sylphs often assume human form but only for short periods of time. The vary in size from being as large as a human to being much smaller.

They are volatile and changeable. The winds are their particular vehicle. The work through the gases and ethers of the Earth and are kindly toward humans. They are usually seen with wings, looking like cherubs or fairies. Because of their connection to air, which is associated with the mental aspect, one of their functions is to help humans receive inspiration. The sylphs are drawn to theose who use their minds, particularly those on creative arts.


The undines are the elemental beings that compose water. They are able to control, to a great degree, the course and function of the water element. Etheric in nature, they exist within the water itself and this is why they can’t be seen with the normal physical vision. These beings are beautiful to look at and are very graceful. They are often seen riding the waves of the ocean. They can also be found in rocky pools and in marshlands. They are clothed in a shimmery substance looking like water but shinning with all the colors of the sea, with green predominating. The concept of the mermaid is connected with these elemental beings.

The undines also work with the plants that grow under the water and with the motion of water. Some undines inhabit waterfalls, others live in rivers and lakes. Every fountain has its nymph. Every ocean has its oceanids. The undines closely resemble humans in appearance and size, except for those inhabiting smaller streams and ponds. The undines often live in coral caves under the ocean or on the shores of lakes or banks of rivers. Smaller undines live under lily pads.

The undines work with the vital essences and liquids of plants, animals, and human beings. They are present in everything containing water. There are many families of undines, as the chart indicates. The ruler of the undines is a being called Necksa. The undines love, serve, and honor her unceasingly.

They are emotional beings, very friendly and open to being of service to human beings.

The smaller undines are often seen as winged beings that people have mistakenly called fairies. Those winged beings are seen near flowers that grow in watery areas. They have gossamer wings and gossamer clothing








Sea Maids

Water Spirits


“Geopathic stress” may be defined as developing bodily imbalance or illness, due to lines of harmful energies which radiate from the earth. Earth acupuncture is the process used to neutralize these fields.

Geopathic stress has been found to be the common factor in many serious and minor illnesses and psychological conditions, especially those conditions in which the immune system is severely compromised. Cardiovascular deficiency, attention deficit disorder, immune deficiency disorders, chronic fatigue, and can–r, are samples of chronic geopathic stress influence. Some lesser effects of influence are chronic body pains, headaches, sudden signs of physical aging, irritability, and restless sleep. It is also a common factor in cases of infertility and miscarriages, learning difficulties, behavioral problems and neurological disabilities in children.

When treating patients who continue to be effected by earth radiation during periods of sleep or work, response to treatment tends to be slow or uneventful, however when their home or work place is neutralized, the geopathic stress conditions resolve themselves and the body begins to heal. There are four lines of geopathic energy which can be detected and neutralized: The Hartmann Grids and Geopathic Zones adversely effect

the cellular structure of living organisms. Interference Zones and Personal Zones effect one’s emotions and objectives.

Personal Zones may also effect one’s physical health. Hartmann Grids were discovered in 1950 by a German medical doctor, Ernst Hartmann. The lines form a grid around the earth, running north to south and east to west, and extend to a height of 60 – 600 feet. The north-south lines appear approximately every 6 feet 6 inches and the east-west lines appear approximately every 8 feet 2 inches. According to Dr. Hartmann, the worst place that a person can sleep or work is over a Hartmann knot, where two Hartmann lines cross, as harmful radiation is intensified at this juncture. Geopathic Zones have a range of influence from 2 to 200 feet, and reach a height of 600 to 30,000 feet.

Their direction is random and may be horizontal, vertical or diagonal. When natural radiation rises through the earth, its wavelength is distorted by weak electromagnetic fields emanating from subterranean  running water, mineral concentrations, fault lines and underground cavities. These distorted fields of radiation are harmful to living organisms, and produce the geopathic zones. It is not uncommon to find them parallel to, or imposed upon the Hartmann Grids. Geopathic zones can also be man made. These would include electromagnetic fields which emanate from such structures as high tension, or satellite towers, electrical street poles, or fuse boxes.

Personal Zones are also random in direction, with a variable range of influence and height. These zones produce energies that uniquely effect an individual  on a personal level. Simply stated, they produce an energy that grates on the energy of any given person, producing a chronic subtly annoying and irritating effect. Animals are also affected by these zones.

Interference Lines, as with Personal Zones, are random in direction, with a variable range of influence and height, and produce an energy which interferes with one’s personal goals. Interference lines were only discovered several months ago, and I can attest to the power of their negative influence, and the quick and incredible positive changes that occurred when they were neutralized. I strongly recommend that one’s house be checked for Interference lines if one has a home-based business which seems to be hindered in some way, or feels that “something” is blocking one’s goals.

Neutralization of all geopathic lines is first accomplished by discovering the lines through dowsing. After finding the direction of flowand center of the line, we bury copper wire perpendicular to its center. This blocks the line, causing the energies to dome over the structure being neutralized.the structure.

A deva is an intelligent energy that works in conjunction with the elementals, but more in a overseeing capacity. The devas do not create form, but are responsible for the activities of the form builders. Where an elemental may have responsibility over a pine seed, the overseeing deva may have responsibility for the entire Pine forest.









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